My name is Valentino, but most people just call me Val. Yeah, I know you probably know me by now, watching me perform live on my website or you probably own a video of me or my frat buddies. If you don't, you will because I am planning on making my videos available again real soon! Not only will you be able to get the older copies, but a bunch of guys here in college and in my fraternity are in the process of making their videos so I can post them here on my site!
I know a bunch of you guys have been
waiting patiently for me to finish the
re-design of my website but it has been
crazy here at school and I have not had
much time to work on it. No need to
fret! I plan on finishing the re-design
within about a month.. so check up on me
here often! College is expensive so I decided I would continue my website and have started doing live shows again (Link below). This way, I can touch base with all the cool guys I used to chat with before.
Lookin ahead, I am upgrading the site so
that you can watch all of my frat
buddies live right here and interact
with the guys at my fraternity. When I
move out of here, a bunch of us are
getting a large condo and putting
cameras everywhere so you can all watch
us doin crazy shit ; ) Videos will be made available again real soon along with a bunch of fresh faces. I wanna thank everybody for their support and I hope you keep checkin me out!
If you are new to my website here is
a little about me: |
I grew up in Long Island New York and moved to Manhattan to go to school here at NYU. I joined a fraternity and the rest is history. I'm a Pisces so kinda a big show off sometimes as ya will find out, maybe 'cause I didn't get too much attention and was dropped on my head as a kid...HAHA I'm a very touchy - feely type of guy, I love it when someone massages my shoulders when they see me stressed, love the idea of male bonding. I'm extremely open minded about stuff, I piss in the shower like most dudes do...LOL
I consider myself BI.. if it feels good,
I say go for it! ; p Personal Favorites:
Color: Blue
I love to laugh, hang out, be cool with
my friends, easy to get to know, easy to
get along with, plays well with others.
This website is a kewl way for me to
chat with my friends, they are a fun
bunch to talk to. I'm Chill, I'm Real, I
dig being me. If you'd like to contact
Click Here. I hope you enjoy and
thanks for checking out my website